Liv Arnold. Romance author and mental health advocate


What does Instagram mean to you, and what is your general attitude towards social networks?

Instagram is like a virtual reality show where everyone’s trying to outdo each other with their best outfit, life, career, or friends. I don’t have social media on my phone or else I get too distracted and keep scrolling my newsfeed. Since deleting the apps, my wellbeing has been so much better. I only check messages and comments on my laptop. But being on socials is necessary when in the public eye. Instagram is a great way to network and meet others in the industry.

What projects are you working on currently?

I’ve written the spicy rom com books Law & Disorder, Etched in Stone, and Stepping Stone. A portion of Stepping Stone’s profits are going towards Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA). I’m working on my third and final book in my Invested in You series, No Stone Unturned. Each novel is based on a different female character working in an IT and analytics team at an investment company. I have also written a novella, Olive Lim’s Series of Awkward Moments Between Drinks. The story is about seniors finding love, and it’s a cross between The Rosie Project and A Man Called Ove. It’s on my to-do list to turn the novella into a screenplay.

Who has influenced you the most in your life?

My brother, Bon Oh. He runs Memorise Medicine, a website that uses space repetition and flashcards to help people to study medicine. I love his drive and perseverance. He often gives me practical advice on being more resilient, like using cold therapy and following The Daily Stoic, an ancient philosophy. Their words give me great comfort.

What is one thing people are surprised to find out about you?

I get toothpaste everywhere in the bathroom — on the mirrors, walls, floor, sink, and ceiling.

As a sex expert for women’s magazines, what advice would you give about relationships?

For men, get a partner that’s not equal parts the internet, a bucket of Vaseline, self-loathing, and a sock. For women, even if you’re bleeding red, do it anyway.

What makes you happy?

When men haul that big bastard out so I could use it as an umbrella stand. That, and finding money in my pocket I forgot was there.

The literary industry is competitive and can cause authors to compare themselves to each other. How do you avoid this?

Easy, take out the competition and eat them with their own teeth! I focus on my own goals and practice gratitude. If I’m grateful for what I have, anything extra is a bonus. I’m always up for collaborating with other authors, instead of seeing them as the competition. The talented New York Times bestselling authors Meredith Wild, J. Kenner, and Cherry Adair gave wonderful endorsements for my novel, Stepping Stone. I was shocked because they didn’t know me. They’re generous women and I aim to be like them. They write strong, complex characters, and steamy, swoon worthy, and relatable plots. Their intimate scenes have me comparing all men to their fictional heroes and devastated that they don’t exist.

What do you think about the state of writing today?

The market is over-saturated with books, some rushed, or poorly edited to get as many novels as possible out there. I’m a big believer that writing is about quality over quantity.

What are you hoping to achieve in the next couple of years, both personally and professionally?

I would be ecstatic to be a New York Times bestseller and see my work on screen. Also, I co-run Public Status PR to support people in securing media coverage and lift their brand to the next level. I’m always looking to push our initiatives to new heights. On a personal level, my bucket list is to live overseas for at least a year, skydive, swim with sharks if knowing how to swim isn’t a requirement, and travel to Europe.

Model: @liv_au
Photographer: kev.747


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