Сharlie RIINA Business woman in commercial real Estate


Who is Charlie Riina? also known as Ania Krosinska, born in Gliwice Poland, is a former chess Player and international cover model actress. After studying forensic science and criminology at the University of Toronto she has since become a successful model, a passionate philanthropist, a humanitarian activist, real estate broker, politician , entrepreneur and most importantly a mother. She manages to juggle all Jobs at once! From photoshoots to boardrooms to motherhood she does it all!

Her modelling presence the world over has given Ania a voice for people without one. She gained global recognition with headlines and magazine covers after a controversial photoshoot featuring Ania wearing a «Je Suis Charlie» shirt, displaying her fierce support for the fight against terrorism in honour of Charlie Hebdo and for the protection of freedom of speech after the horrific incident in Paris.

Ania has co-founded a nonprofit organization called «Heroes in Black» that targets at risk homeless youths. She’s also involved with the «Rally for Kids with Cancer», an organization that has raised over 15 million dollars towards Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. She is extremely active in her community and her heart is drawn to the less fortunate. In her professional life, aside from her modelling she is also an real estate broker who received an award in 2018 from the poland-canada chamber of commerce in specializing in pre-construction condominium projects across the GTA working with top builders in Canada. Ania has Sold over 1 billion of pre construction inventory. Ania also received activist of the year award by the chamber of commerce in 2016.

Charlie’s (Ania) born in Gliwice Poland is a Polish refugee /immigrant. From humble beginnings she grew up in the projects of Toronto which forced her to grow up fairly quickly she became a single mom because her partner was incarcinated for 10 years she soon realized she needs to change her life for her daughter. With hard work and natural ambition she became unstoppable. She now owns 4 properties of her own and shows no signs of stopping. She wants to show the younger generation of woman that no matter what cards your delt in life your able to push through and become successful. With her “If i can do it anyone can” attitude Charlie will take on any business shark that comes her way. Charlie can mingle and relate with the troubled and less fortunate and at the same with CEOs and celebrities and treat them equally being able to carry conversations on every level with people from all walks of earth. Don’t let her looks fool you she means business ! She’s a true natural Hustler!!!


Riina was twice Miss Hawaiian Tropic, and was also crowned Miss Toronto. After appearing on the cover of Playboy magazine (United States) in 2011, she has been featured twice on Playboy’s online version,and she has appeared on the cover of Playboy’s Poland, Slovakia,Hungary editions. Riina earned the title of «Playmate» (featured as the centerfold in the magazine) on more than one occasion, and she was named «Playmate of the Year» for Slovakia in 2016. In 2015, Riina was featured in GQ magazine, Esquire magazine,and FHM,including a multiple-page feature in the special international edition «Girls of FHM». In 2016, she was featured in Maxim magazine, and was also featured as Sports Illustrated’s «Lovely Lady of the Day». In 2017, Riina was featured in Lifestyle for Men magazine. Riina’s acting credits include The Handmaid’s Tale (2017) and All-In (2012).In April 2021 She graced the covers of Maxim Slovakia and Maxim Czech Republic. The list goes on…


Ania, we are glad to welcome you to Instyle Moldova, you are a successful girl, a model and influencer, what is the most interesting and difficult thing in your profession?

For me, the most interesting thing is the travel. I love going to new places and enjoying the culture and meeting interesting people I may not have met otherwise. And, the difficult part for me would probably be balancing everything in my different careers being an extremely active commercial real estate agent modelling acting and being active in the community . Sometimes there are just not enough hours in the day! But I would not trade anything … I love it.

Tell us about the most interesting model project in your life.

That would have to be the photoshoot I did wearing a «Je Suis Charlie» shirt, displaying my support for the fight against terrorism in honor of Charlie Hebdo and for the protection of freedom of speech after the horrific incident in Paris. It was the most fulfilling project … helping to bring attention to something I felt very strongly about. If I can somehow make a small change in the world, I am all over that!

Is it easy to be a beautiful woman in the modeling business?

Nothing is easy… unless you make it that way. I always take anything I do very seriously and put my heart into it completely. Otherwise, I don’t do it. Beauty has many levels, and it has different meanings. I think being a beautiful person, can translate into a successful model.

Tell us about your model project ands.

I am always taking on new projects. Some of which come from my own ideas. But, I am always open to projects that I feel comfortable with. One of my latest was something new for me… having my likeness used for a video game. It’s always fun for me to explore new things that I have not done yet

Tell as about Canadian fashion industry?

We have a great scene up here!! I live in Toronto and we have many events and great boutiques!! Everyone come up and tell them I sent you!

Let’s talk about your hobbies, what helps to develop your femininity?

I wouldn’t consider myself overly feminine. I love to dress u and do girlie stuff, but I much prefer sweats and chillin. I’ve always been really into playing chess … ever since my childhood. And I listen to music … I love all types of music.

Do you have places of power that fill?

I get my power from f=my family and close friends. They are the most important to me. And from within … I feel power when I can make something better for someone.

What inspires you the most?

Changing the world!! I like to raise a strong voice for causes I believe in. And take action however I can.

You look great, share your top 3 beauty secrets?

Pretty simple really … I stay active and try to at least break a sweat every day, and I eat well and use good skin care products. Shout out BluBerri Beauty!!

Tell us about your plans and goals for 2024 and what would you like to wish our readers?

My plans are to keep at balancing all my careers I want to wish all the readers a safe and happy new year. And go out and make a change!! Find something you believe in and make your voice heard!


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